How To Find Your GEORGETOWN SC FLOOD ZONE | Myrtle Beach Real Estate

Worried about flooding in Georgetown County SC? Myrtle Beach can and will flood. Depending on where you live, you might be at risk. We’ll show you step-by-step how to seeā€¦

So you’re looking at a new place in Georgetown county. And you’re wondering, is that in a flood zone, here’s how you find out.

Hi, my name is Lance MacMillan with Mango Homes, powered by Keller Williams Myrtle Beach. And today we’re gonna be learning how to use the Georgetown county flood zone tool. Now it’s gonna be a lot easier than it looks. It’s kind of off putting it first, but as long as you follow a long step by step you’ll have absolutely no problem. You’re gonna need a few things though. Now, the first thing you’re gonna need is some kind of computer and a phone, a tablet, a PC, apple, anything you have that you use will work. As long as you got something, uh, you’re gonna need that. And you’re also gonna need the links in the video description below with those two things you should have. Absolutely no problem. So before we start, I wanted to give you a quick overview of how everything thing works. There’s really just three steps in order to determine if you’re in the flood zone.

First step, pull the tool. There’s two tools, one for Horry county and one for Georgetown county, second step, and your address. Third step, get the code. Now the government made these tools. So it’s not as simple as you would think. They’re not gonna say, “Hey, you’re in the flood zone”. They’re gonna look at you and say, “Hey, AV 12”. And you’re gonna be like, “What the heck is AV 12?” I’ll teach you how to decipher the codes. There’s a document. You’ll find the link for it in the description below, again, like with everything else a and it’ll help you, but here’s the quickie breakdown on how it works. If it starts with an a or a V, it could be AO or a 12 or V E 16, if it starts with an a or a V doesn’t matter what follows you’re in the flood zone. If you’re not in a flood flood zone, the code it’s gonna give you is gonna be an X, either that, or it’s just not gonna give you a code at all.

If you’re in the 500 year flood plain, that means you’re on the edge of being in a flood zone. They’re gonna give you one of two codes. It’s either gonna say 0.2% or it’s gonna say X 500, depending on which county you’re looking at, they both mean the same thing. They both mean that, Hey, once in 500 years, you’re gonna get a flood. It’s probably not gonna happen in your lifetime, but it could. It’s as simple as that, that’s how those codes work. Stay tuned to the end of this video. If you guys still need help with the flood zone tools, I have a free tool you that I’ll tell you all about at the end. It’ll answer any other questions that you have. But for right now, let’s go over to my desktop and welcome to my desktop. As I mentioned, there are three steps to find out the flood zone in Georgetown county. The first one is to open the tool. Now I’ve got this link prepopulated in a Chrome incognito window. You don’t necessarily have to do that. Sometimes if the tool doesn’t pull, if you open it in an incognito window, it works out really well. So with that said, I am going to hit, enter and open the tool.

And there we go. This is Georgetown county. So I have an address that I’ve picked out. Uh, step two is to enter the address. The address that I’m gonna use is 4079 highway 17 business. And you’ll note, it pulls for me right there. I’m gonna click that and it’s gonna pull over to a property card for me. Now it says claw house restaurant, just so you know, this is the Dead Dog Saloon in the Murrell’s inlet marsh walk. This is one of my favorite places to eat in the entire universe. The whole place is just laid back. It’s an incredible restaurant. If you’ve never been down there to any of those restaurants, you’re totally missing out.

So right here, I’m gonna hit zoom to. And it’s gonna bring me all the way down to the ground level. I’m gonna cross this card out, because it’s kind of getting in my way. It’ll take a second for all this to render. There we go. So the next step is to read the code. So what I’m gonna have to do to get to the code, I’m gonna go to this layers list here. We’re gonna open that where it says GTGS, I’m gonna open that. Now we have all kinds of things that we can click on in here.

Almost too much stuff that you can click on. So what I’m gonna do to make it a little easier to read is first, I’m gonna get rid of these streets, the street names, because that’s really not necessary, really important. There is the dead dog saloon right there. So I’m gonna come over here just so you can see the property lines. I’m gonna pick lot lines with TMS and that’s gonna delineate the actual borders to the land plots down here. As you can see zoom in a little bit, it’ll take a second to reload while it’s doing that. I’m gonna come over here to my right and I’m gonna pull the flood map code right here, where it says FEMA, flood zones, current effective right there. I’m gonna click that. Now, if you ever pulled one in Horry county, you’ll notice that this looks totally different. Still telling you the same information. As we said before, if a code starts with an a or a V you’re in a flood zone, look at this it’s right inside of an, a code. As we know that is a flood zone. So the Dead Dog Saloon is inside of a flood zone, but Hey, zoom out for a second.

It’s right on the Murrell’s inlet Creek. That makes sense. It has to be in a flood zone. I’m gonna turn the flood zones back on just so I can bounce it around and show you guys. So again, a E 12 flood zone, V E 13, flood zone, AE 11 flood zone X 500. Here we are in the 500 year flood plain. The further we get from the ocean, the less the chances of flooding. And again, that makes total sense and I’m gonna run it over here and this whole area right here, let me get rid of the lot lines is an X code, no flooding here. Now that’s how you find the flood code for any property inside of Georgetown county. I’m gonna give you one bonus here that you might not know to look for.

I’m gonna click that off. I’m gonna click the flood zones off, off, right here, where it says FEMA, 2019 flood zones, preliminary guys, the flood zone in Georgetown county at some point in the near future is gonna change. I’m gonna turn this on and you’ll see that while the flood zones are roughly the same, they’ve changed around a little bit. This was a nice smooth line, but now you’ll see there’s a lot more nuance to it. And the 500 year flood plain extends further up the land before this whole area over here was outta the flood zone. At some point in the near future, it is going to be in the 500 year flood plain. Just wanted you to know that if you were looking at properties in Georgetown county and with that, you should be able to find anything you need in Georgetown county. So do you remember earlier in the video, when I talked about free stuff, here’s your free stuff. If you look in the video description, you’ll see a link to a free flood guide that we built. It has screenshots. It has all the links that you need. It has step by step instructions on how to determine if you’re in the flood zone or not. I hope that helps you if you need it. If not remember whether you’re buying or selling, Go Mango!